Thursday, 11 July 2019
The humidity of a dishonest storm
A snapshot of the day to day; the drudgery, the skullduggery,
This story weaves,
Such luscious leaves,
Oblivious to the heavy hearts; rich and ripe and caught in a humid, dishonest, flow,
Against a backdrop of rolling clouds, menacingly shaking their fists at those marching below,
Sun breaking through to stretch her warm fingers out to beckon you near,
Grumbling black clouds that back off as the light breaks through fear,
Don't listen to what you're told nor believe all you think you see,
Not so trapped in a dark cloud that you can't break free,
Sway with boundaries, push borders, shapes and form,
Don't get sucked into believing in a dishonest storm,
Shuffling along, head bent and shoulders braced,
Better to weather life's storms and troubles faced,
unbeaten, pushing on, don't pump the brakes, cruise and just steer,
Striding forwards into your future, from this present moment, this now and here,
Smile and laugh in the face of it -for it is truly a beautiful world,
As the lies of dishonesty float over your head; unbroken and uncurled,
A little break from menotony, a little break from the norm,
Unwrapped and released, from the lies of a storm,