Thursday, 10 March 2022

The luggage of life and loss ❤️❤️

We all carry something about us. 

The luggage of life. 

Whether we wheel it effortlessly along, neatly packed in

shiny hard shells 

that run alongside us obediently 

or stacked about us in boxes 

dusty but organised 

labelled like a house move, 

impeding our movement or worse, dragged along on a chain, 

Taught about our throats.

Be nice.  ❤️

With any luggage comes loss. You cannot have life without loss.

Even those speedy borders 

who seem to shine and glow and glide through life -don’t knock them for not having lived! 

Did you ever think that maybe they found a way to cut the chains about their neck and repackage and streamline their life

so it no longer drags them down or gets in their way

Be nice.  ❤️

You never know the loss or the pain of the other. The smile that masks the tears. Pushing through life on well oiled wheels or struggling to overcome overloaded boxes on chains that make it hard to breathe.

Whichever life traveller you are 

or they are.



