Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Day 3 : Memories

On the beach racing with the dog, running here and there,
Wind whips up the waves and the sand fills our eyelashes and our hair,
On the sea wall my legs dangling, getting the sand off with a towel, scrubbing hard between toes,
Dogs been in the sea so has a good shake but waits to get us all wet like as if she knows !
Ice cream melts through the wafer cone, sucking from the end as it drip, drip, drips,
Black finger streaks from the newspaper that'd been wrapped around the chips,
In the car the cigarette smoke follows the route to the passenger window, that's been opened just a crack,
Copying the dog and hanging both head and tongue out the opened back window before being threatened with a smack,
Running fast upon North Hill through woods the dog giving chase,
My brother climbing up a tree so I find my own tree to race,
Watching as the sun bobs then drops ceremoniously into the sea in hues of oranges and so much red,
Dusk sends us back up to the car, dragging our heels at the sound of our names yet hungry to be fed,
Riding my bike, down hill with the wind in my hair,
So free it almost makes the up-hill fight seem fair,
So many happy times there've been that I have lived through,
So blessed and so lucky that I can make so many more too