Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Prompt: What is poetry and what can it be for our world today

I think it's the meat on the bones that keeps the world fed,
Or maybe it's between the spaces of the words that are left unsaid,
The baring of a soul, written on, or between the lines,
The breakups, the heartaches, the stepping on life's landmines,

The laughter, the loves, that takes away all the fears,
The lyrical lexus that brings sweet music to the ears,
That opening of the head that gets creative expression to flow,
More personal than a story, for the poet you'll get to know,

A literary licence on any topic for anyone with something they want to say,
Poetry reflects the world and it's differences in a brutally honest way;
In the bleeding hearts song,
In the putting right the wrong,
In something pretty or gritty,
In a little bit of a ditty,
Deep, dark and dirty,
Romantic and flirty,

So go on grab a pencil and write what you feel
Just always remember to keep it all real,