Friday, 5 April 2019

Day 5 : Prompt : Sensory: Close your eyes & listen to the world around you.

Clickity clack stay off that track,
Gusty, cold, winds, hair blown and billowing from front and then to back,
Intense roll of thunder getting louder reaching its' deafening crescendo as it rushes past,
A hundred miles an hour, pedal to the floor, no braking, no stopping, so sleek and hard and fast,
Frightening, mechanical, industrial revolutionary sounds, the driver inside never hears,
Waiting on the platform would have been louder only I had my fingers wedged inside my ears,
Mental upon metal sheering as it picks up the slack,
Hurtling through the station as it was never coming back,
Checking billboards for the next train,
Hungry and tired and feeling the strain ,
Screech to a stop, smelly fumes, piston sighs,
Diesal and dust filling up your eyes,
Your carriage awaits, swaying slightly on its suspension springs,
So happy to be finally heading to your destination, free as a bird on its wings,